The Web This Site

Our Mission

This site is a small archive of original artifacts from past conflicts.  These artifacts are photographed and presented to show what those in the services wore, utilized, or encountered at different points in history.  
History and understanding can be shared in many ways, but preserving and documenting original artifacts teaches an authentic, physical history by illuminating the meaning, significance, and relationships behind the items left behind from generations past.
Some of the artifacts presented here represent the "enemy" forces of the United States from various conflicts.  These items do not glorify the causes that veterans fought to contain and eradicate; rather, they are presented as tribute to the US veterans who brought these items home and teach current and future generations the history of a world shaped by these forces from the past. 

This online archive promotes artifact-driven education about past conflicts conflicts. The goal of this collection is to honor the sacrifices and experiences of past generations while striving toward a better understanding of history.

As an historian and history teacher I have enjoy connecting artifacts to times, places, and peoples. This website serves as a resource for students, educators, historians, and collectors.  All items are from my collection and presented for educational purposes.  Please do not reproduce or manipulate without permission.  Please direct any questions to


Site last updated July 2023

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